e-are : class chem dgn aku kol 9 hari sabtu.SHARP!
kami : alalala..padahal kitorg patut ckp cmtu
e-are : aku ckp betol tau.
hari sabtu pon sampai.so ade class la kan? dgn teacher E-ARE.haha.. cadet je dgn mya skali. ade yg dtg lambat. bile yg dtg lmbt tu smp sume jerit "PUMPING POSITION DOWN".haha..missnye lahai time cmni.nk jerit2, gurau2.. aduhh...dh nk kluar skolah dh..rase cm x leyh hdp kalo xde diorg. mcm mane ni?
babak 1
e-are : ok.. mind map ni kene hafal tau. wajeb
ila : woi2..POI. aku x fhm
mirash : ceh... dh pnd POI dowh.mntg2 scandal debater..poyo
kami : hahaha..ilaaaaaa gelabah dowh..padahal gile.x thn btol
*ila senyum kambeng.poyo!
hari tu cikgu plg hot kitorg pernah ade.E-ARE, biase la kan. haha. after class kitorg celebrate bfday puyi dgn raa.. mcm dulu2 dowh.smbh2 air, guling.weyhh rndu gile dh ni. SECRET RECIPE.. warden yg sggh untuk menjenguk pon ade.
over.mls dh
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
muhammad haziq bin othman :)
awak, seriously saye x pnh jmp boy yg sgt sincere mcm awk.thanks a lot. you change my life 360 degrees. sumpah. thank sbb sudi utk syg sye and be someone yg sye tahu boleh jage saye. awk sgt baek and saye sgt takot x boleh syg awk mcm mane awk buat utk saye.but i try my best. Now its time to strive for our future.i'm hopping the best for the next day everyday especially about us. sye takot sgt. takot kite x lame. tp saye tau mcm mane usaha awk utk kita kekal.thanks sgt2. u cramp my heart la haziq.sumpah x larat.huhu~ x leyh tido kot. sian awk terpakse abis kdt call saye mlm2, txt saye dulu.bl saye x nk start, tp saye tkot awk rimas and saye x suke tnjk yg saye syg org tu. saye lg suke smpn.so awk kene fhm2 sndr.hee.btw,saye tau awk tau yg sye syg awk.
kenapa kena balik school?
bodoh betol.time ni la die nk hilang.semalam tak nak hilang
pulak.aduh..macam mane nak balik kalo x de benda tu.
habis la gigi aku.lambat lg la nampaknye bukak braces ni.Thambi
btol.dalam rumah pon hilang.x kan aqis amek bwt lastik plak kan?
xkan2.mama?nk bwt pe?ikat rambut?oh lg la tidak.putus bnd
tu.Ayh?lg la x.abes mane? toyol amek ke? nk bwt pe?
toyol pki braces ke?maju gile. dh2 lawak bodoh. weyh tolong la
aku nk getah braces tu balik la.x yah la jaki tgk gigi aku.bagi la
balik.Ni wa beng ni. mcm x kasik balik skolah je.aish. psl getah
ni,mama marah aku.aduh.bkn aku sengaja nk hlgkan.kalo aku
tau nk hilang aku dh ltk dlm peti besi tu.tlg la tensyen btol.
Haziq call pon aku xde mood.siot ar.sume bnd siot.argh!
pulak.aduh..macam mane nak balik kalo x de benda tu.
habis la gigi aku.lambat lg la nampaknye bukak braces ni.Thambi
btol.dalam rumah pon hilang.x kan aqis amek bwt lastik plak kan?
xkan2.mama?nk bwt pe?ikat rambut?oh lg la tidak.putus bnd
tu.Ayh?lg la x.abes mane? toyol amek ke? nk bwt pe?
toyol pki braces ke?maju gile. dh2 lawak bodoh. weyh tolong la
aku nk getah braces tu balik la.x yah la jaki tgk gigi aku.bagi la
balik.Ni wa beng ni. mcm x kasik balik skolah je.aish. psl getah
ni,mama marah aku.aduh.bkn aku sengaja nk hlgkan.kalo aku
tau nk hilang aku dh ltk dlm peti besi tu.tlg la tensyen btol.
Haziq call pon aku xde mood.siot ar.sume bnd siot.argh!
*sorry membebel
gile babi
* missnye la hai *
* bile la nk dpt time mcm ni lagi *
* bahagie gile life dgn korg *
* sumpah wey, x pnh rase relationship sekuat ni *
* all of you teach me the true meaning of friend *
haha jiwang
* all of you always be PART OF MY HEART la *
* weyh, bley jnji kat aku x? *
* kite stay mcm ni smp bile2 *
* x leyh hidup tnp korg la weyh *
BALACHIS' i love you more and more
balik pon!
selepas beberapa bulan menghilang, akhirnya kau balik jgk
slmt pulang.Aku hope this relationship akan jd mcm biase
tp ssh la weyh.kau hilang lama sangat and saat kau dtg,
aku dh ade org laen untuk pnh kn life aku, utk isi tmpt kosong
kau.sorry.It doesn't mean ko x penting, tp not my
main priority anymore lah.Kau dtg blk pon scr
mengejut.tetibe bley baek.hee..agak ssh.macam kaku nk pggl kau
mcm dulu lg.time changing, and people also changing.kau ada
org laen, aku pon ade jgk.so fair la kan?err..aku
bersyukur jgk sbb kau still igt aku and plg penting,aku
tau kau still hidup.err..mcm kasar, tp tu je sbnrnye yg aku hope
sorry kalo aku x txt ko lg, or dh x tnye psl ko lg. i have
a group of person yg lg pntg utk dijaga rather than you la. anyway,
still, aku nk ckp thanks for every single things la. Thanks sbb
jd abg aku, wlpn xde la mithali sgt kan.hee.
I LOVE Ubut it hurts a lot
slmt pulang.Aku hope this relationship akan jd mcm biase
tp ssh la weyh.kau hilang lama sangat and saat kau dtg,
aku dh ade org laen untuk pnh kn life aku, utk isi tmpt kosong
kau.sorry.It doesn't mean ko x penting, tp not my
main priority anymore lah.Kau dtg blk pon scr
mengejut.tetibe bley baek.hee..agak ssh.macam kaku nk pggl kau
mcm dulu lg.time changing, and people also changing.kau ada
org laen, aku pon ade jgk.so fair la kan?err..aku
bersyukur jgk sbb kau still igt aku and plg penting,aku
tau kau still hidup.err..mcm kasar, tp tu je sbnrnye yg aku hope
sorry kalo aku x txt ko lg, or dh x tnye psl ko lg. i have
a group of person yg lg pntg utk dijaga rather than you la. anyway,
still, aku nk ckp thanks for every single things la. Thanks sbb
jd abg aku, wlpn xde la mithali sgt kan.hee.
I LOVE Ubut it hurts a lot
pada satu hari Sabtu ni, sume FIVERS ada class chem. Patutnye class tambahan tp hari tu lebih nk bg paper.Adush.Nahas aku.Terok gile bhai.Mampos thn je la bebelan.Tp cikgu bebel x kesah sgt, mama nnt.Dh la nk dtg hari bertemu pelanggan.Aku bajet dh tempah tiket, die x nak dtg, aik nk dtg jgk.Waduh.Ok proceed pd story td.emm.Teacher NOR LIZA pon pggl la sorg2 amek paper.Paper 2,gedebuk*bunyi paper aku.Paper 1,dush..boom..pung..ting..*bunyi paper jugak.Kalo bley berkecai, dh lame berkecai. Adoiyai kesabaran btol la.Den start discussion. Teacher kte pening tande paper kitorg.Wahai tchr ku, kalo dikau pening, kitorg ni? Separuh koma dh ni.Nsb koma, kalo mati?x smpt taubat.aduh.ok proceed.kitorg, cadet ddk la satu line.Muke ade yg berkerut, ade yg blurr, sdeyh*aku la tu.Padahal je.Tetibe adegan antara FAZERQ dgn MEYH start.
fazerq : meyh asl jwpn aku slh ah? x boleh
ke jwb cmni? salah eh?
meyh : x boleh ar.Ko salah ni.xboleh2
fazerq : ye ke.nak tgk jwpn ko weyh.
*bunyi drum roll
tup2.meyh pon salah.ADOIYAI thambi! lu cakap cm confident kan?.bengong tol. Skali lu pon salah.Pulak tu bley bwt muke x bersalah die.Muke blurr dlm bahasa kasarnye. Meyh, ko mmg la.lu bwt org beng je dgn lu.lawak gile ko bhai.
fazerq : meyh asl jwpn aku slh ah? x boleh
ke jwb cmni? salah eh?
meyh : x boleh ar.Ko salah ni.xboleh2
fazerq : ye ke.nak tgk jwpn ko weyh.
*bunyi drum roll
tup2.meyh pon salah.ADOIYAI thambi! lu cakap cm confident kan?.bengong tol. Skali lu pon salah.Pulak tu bley bwt muke x bersalah die.Muke blurr dlm bahasa kasarnye. Meyh, ko mmg la.lu bwt org beng je dgn lu.lawak gile ko bhai.
*moral of the story:) confident kalo nk bwt salah
Friday, June 18, 2010
welcom to my life
*korang marah x kalo aku ade org laen?
bhai, thank coz support aku.aku baru and x tau cmne leyh terjebak dgn bende ni huhu. he comes without any sound and just go into my life, explore everything about me.but i still need all of you to support me everytime in my life.all of u still my main priority ok?jage aku.hee KAA, appreciate gile ko ckp kt blog kau.ngee.aku hope bnd tu x jd, tp aku still hepy coz aku tau korg akn stii ade dgn aku selamanye
a new comers
org baru
need help in decorating
nk jd org yg rajin menulis*mulut terangkat
err..nothing to display
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